Ein deprimierender Artikel über eine Bar Mitzwah die nicht stattfinden konnte gab es in der Wochenendausgabe des Guardian. Online hier zu finden. Kurz: Junge aus gemischter Ehe (Mutter Jüdin) interessiert sich für das Judentum und entschließt sich zu einer Bar Mitzwah - Mutter und Vater bremsen den Jungen aus - Junge scheitert. Bemerkenswert: Die Mutter schildert das Dilemma aus erster Hand:

There we were, 12 years down the road, mooching around a north London synagogue. It was only the second time my son had set foot in one – friends had invited us to the annual Hanukah (Festival of Lights) bazaar. Although I didn’t feel quite like a gefilte fish out of water, I didn’t feel especially at home either. I sensed a lack of belonging to a tight-knit group. I left Marcus to his own devices and went to find his two younger sisters. When I next saw him he was fingering a variety of kippas (Jewish skull caps) with rather more interest than I’d have liked. As he balanced one on the back of his head I stifled a laugh and playfully remarked, “Suits you.” von hier

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