Warum koscheres Bier anscheinend so beliebt ist klärt Daphna Berman in Ha’aretz. Er fasst noch einmal zusammen, was ich hier vor einiger Zeit schrieb und lässt noch einige andere Personen sehr klar zu Wort kommen:
Other members of the Jewish community echo Guski’s opinions. “No one needs this beer,” said Akiwa Heller, the owner of Aviv, a kosher grocery store in Frankfurt. “Nearly all German beers are kosher and to tell you the truth, 90 percent of the Jews in Germany don’t care about the kosher question.” Rabbi Andrew Steiman, from Frankfurt, says he has never tasted Simcha beer and believes the whole concept is a “hoax.” “I don’t know a single Jewish person who drinks it. People who keep kosher don’t need a hechshher (kosher certification) on beer. This is just nareshkeit (foolishness). The hechsher is for [non-Jewish] Germans, so they can say they had a kosher beer.” Simcha beer, Steiman says, is about the confluence of business, money and German guilt. “It’s very bizarre,” he said, “and it’s only possible in a country like Germany with all the history.” von hier Hebräisch hier
Dennoch wäre es interessant zu erfahren, welche Geschäfte hierzulande das Bier tatsächlich verkaufen und an wen…