Demo in Berlin

:this: Kleine Ergänzung nach zahlreichen Anfragen per Mail: Nein, ich finde das Design des Plakats in keinster Weise gut. Die Bedrohung an sich ist schon ein schrecklicher Fakt, da bedarf es keiner Verstärkung durch das Tor von Auschwitz.

Die neueste „Enthüllung” aus dem Dunstfeld von Ahmadinedschad ist, dass Hitler angeblich Jude gewesen sei und praktisch eingesetzt worden ist, um den Staat Israel zu gründen:

Just when you thought the Iranian leadership could stoop no further: MEMRI (Middle East Media Research Institute) reported that a top advisor to Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad claimed in an interview with Iranian website Baztab that Nazi leader Adolf Hitler’s parents were both Jewish and that Hitler himself was one of the founders of the State of Israel. … Ramin cites a 1974 book by Hennecke Kardel titled ‘Adolf Hitler: Founder of Israel’, which alleges that Hitler strived to create a Jewish state as a result of being influenced by his Jewish relatives and his cooperation with Britain – which also wanted to drive the Jews out of Europe. von hier ynet