Jerusalem Post Journalist David Byers verbrachte zwei Monate in Berlin und schildert nun seine Eindrücke in seiner Zeitung. Wirklich neues erfahren wir nicht, interessant ist es aber dennoch zu lesen:

When I was offered a one-off grant by the German-based Internationale Journalisten-Programme to work for two months as a reporter at the daily Der Tagesspiegel in Berlin back in October, I did so partly because of simple journalistic interest and a desire to improve my mediocre German - and partly because I wanted to embark upon a personal journey into my family’s history. I wanted to use my time in Berlin to take a look at today’s Germany and, somehow, link it to its past - to try to understand how my family had lived, and why they had been discriminated against, by the ancestors of those in the country I was now about to visit. hier weiterlesen: