Du dürftest nicht hier sein (aus ganz vielen Gründen ohnehin nicht). So sagt es die Versammlung von Agudat Jisrael:

The Thursday night session is entitled “Torah Wisdom/Torah Authority: Are We Losing the Connection?” “Klal Yisroel has always understood that its true leaders are the gedolei Yisroel, the einei ho’eidoh whose uniquely refined vision enables them to guide the Jewish people through the darkest of situations,” says Rabbi Zwiebel. “In recent years, though,” the Agudah leader observes, “due to a variety of factors, the authority of daas Torah has been significantly undermined, even within our own chareidi circles. Most troubling has been the proliferation of Internet ‘blogs’ where misguided individuals feel free to spread every bit of rechilus and loshon hora about rabbonim and roshei yeshiva, all with the intended effect of undermining any semblance of Torah authority in our community. It is most appropriate for an organization like Agudath Israel, whose very essence was built on the recognition of the authority of Torah leaders, to address this issue head on, and formulate concrete plans to reinvigorate public awareness of this essential element of the Torah way of life.”

Hier gefunden. Blogs sind also überall ein großes Thema ;-)