Etwas politisches muß auch mal geschrieben werden. Mit offenem Mund lese ich die Nachrichten aus Israel: Avigdor Lieberman wurde zum Vize-Ministerpräsidenten gemacht! Da kann man gleich Borat zum Präsidenten machen…

Akiva Eldar schreibt über Liberman in Haaretz:

The prevalent comparison between Avigdor Lieberman and Joerg Haider does an injustice to the Austrian nationalist whose party joined the government in the winter of 2000. Haider is far from being a righteous man, but even in his most fascist days, he never called on Austria to rid itself of citizens who’d been living in the country for generations. Also, Haider never suggested standing up legislators representing these citizens in front of a firing squad. Natan Meron, at the time Israel’s ambassador to Austria, noted that once the leader of the Freedom Party joined politics, he never uttered a single anti-Semitic statement. Meron emphasized that the leader of the Freedom Party “does not threaten the Jews.”

und schließt mit

The silence of the leadership of mainstream Jewry in the world, in view of the legitimization of a person such as Lieberman, undermines the moral high ground they hold in the struggle against Israel-haters throughout the world. If a Jewish politician who aspires to transfer an Arab minority across the border can sit in an Israeli cabinet, why should an anti-Semite not sit in an Austrian government? Let’s hear it for the Haiders.

Mehr muß man zu dem Thema wirklich nicht schreiben…

Auch Jediot Acharonot kommentiert die Regierungsbeteiligung kritisch: The irony of fate is that while marking 50 years since the massacre, again racism has the upper hand and Avigdor Lieberman joins the government - a politician who rejects Arab citizens’ civil rights and calsl for expelling them from the country. The massacre in Kfar Qassem was carried out under the cover of a war that Israel, along with Britain and France, launched on the very same day against Egypt, which was then described as the “center of evil.” Another irony of fate: Upon entering the Olmert government, Lieberman declared that it is essential to escalate the campaign against the axis of evil (Iran and other countries), so that under the cover of such escalation he would be able to implement his racist plan to remove tens of thousands of Arab citizens from the country.

Ich hoffe doch schwer, dass man wieder zur Vernunft kommt- die derzeitigen Optionen sind nicht die besten…