Wie würde Franz Beckenbauer sagen? „So hat sich der lieber G-tt die Welt vorgestellt”. Jewschool berichtet über ein gemeinsames Fastenbrechen von Juden und Muslimen (Ramadan und Tzom Gedalja - zum Zusammenfallen von Rosch haSchanah und Ramadan hier: „Schanah Tovah und Ramadan Mubarak”), das Mut macht und ein gutes Beispiel ist:

It was a unique event, first in that it marked an unusual instance in which a Jewish and Muslim fast fell upon the same day, and secondly, because it was a wonderful opportunity for we of divergent ethnicities and faiths to come together and share our cultures, stories, laughter, and above all else, a meal! We sang songs, showered blessings upon one another, and glommed the tastiest vegetarian vittles this side of the Mediterranean. And it was — gasp! — Jews and Muslims — and gasp! — Israelis and Palestinians — gasp! — together! In peace! Indeed, the evening served as a shining example of that which is possible when we transcend our political differences and simply recognize the humanity and the G-dliness inherent in our fellow, and love them as ourselves. hier weiterlesen

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