Die Geschichte um den Papst ist ein gutes Beispiel für die Richtigkeit der Thesen von Leon deWinter und die Schlafmützigkeit der europäischen Öffentlichkeit. Hier zitiere ich jewlicious, wo das wichtigste bereits gesagt wird:
Cartoon contests and exhibits seem to be a far more civilized outcome since nobody gets killed, nobody gets injured and nothing gets destroyed. In fact, all that happens is a cartoon exhibit with antisemitic intentions and overtones. Heck, this is truly excellent because the Christians and Muslims dont even have to duke it out. A Muslim cleric wants to call Christians heathens and apostates? No problem, a Christian-owned paper can hold a cartoon contest with the theme that Jews reject Jesus as the messiah. A Christian leader calls Muslims suicide bombers and violent religionists? No problem, an Iranian museum can hold a cartoon contest depicting the blood libel of Jews murdering children for their blood to make the worst food in the world, matzah. A Christian leader proclaims Islam a religion seeking world domination? No problem, a Muslim newpaper will sponsor a cartoon contest showing the finest depiction of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
und in einem anderen Posting, das direkt Stellung bezieht There is no connection between Islam and Violence:
No matter what the Pope says. And just to make sure the point was made, and to strongly protest the Popes slander, Islamic activists continued the second day of attacks targeting Christian churches in Gaza and the West Bank. Nablus Church on FireToday gunmen opened fire on the oldest church in Gaza City. A spokesman from the Islamic Organisation of the Swords of Righteousness stated that We carried out this shooting because of the popes statement, and he must apologise. Another group calling itself the Lions of Monotheism claimed responsibility for firebomb attacks on an Anglican and a Greek Orthodox church in Nablus on Friday. Apparently the Lions werent aware that the Pope has no connection to either of those denominations of Christianity. Hopefully all the relevant gunmen got the news that the Pope, through his spokesman the new Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, has in fact apologised today for his comments which he felt were misunderstood, and that he in fact had great respect for Islam and Muslims, especially those who who adore the only God and who presumably uh dont firebomb or otherwise attack Churches.
Mal davon abgesehen, dass ursprünglich ein uralter Streittext zitiert wurde, der auch von Islamwissenschaftlern als harmlos eingestuft wurde… Was ist nun, wenn diejenigen, die sich jetzt aufregen, sich an ihren jüdischen Nachbarn stören? Werden wir dann aus Europa vertrieben?