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Der Simpsons-Talmud: Er basiert auf der Simpsons-Folge „Like Father Like Clown” (die hier auch schon einmal Erwähnung fand), dort gab es eine Diskussion, die Noah Gradofsky talmudisch aufbereitet hat.

In this episode, we find out that Krusty the clown is Jewish, and has been estranged from his father because he became a clown (which for whatever reason wasn’t seen as an honorable profession). Of course, it’s Bart and Lisa to the rescue. They work to convince Krusty’s father, Rabbi Krustofski that the Rabbi should forgive his son. The conversation between Bart and Rabbi Krustofski takes on a talmudic dialectic. Bart quotes many pieces of Talmud which Lisa researches. Most of the quotes are fairly accurate. Rabbi Krustofski replies as to why he is unconvinced by Bart’s argument.

Das ganze ist aber nicht nur textlich aufbereitet worden (sogar in hebräischer Sprache):

At Rabbi’s Office: Rabbi Hyman Krustofski: You I told to go away. Bart: But, but but, but Rabbi - does it not say in the Babylonian Talmud and I quote, “A Child should pushed aside with the left hand and drawn closer with the right.” Rabbi: Yes Bart: Then doesn’t your religion command you to make up with Krusty? Rabbi: But in exodus, the fifth commandment says: “Honor thy father and thy mother.” End of story.

Herschel, the son of Rabbi Krustovsky was a clown. He (Rabbi Krustovsky) threw him (the son) out. When Bartus came from the state in which Springfield is, [Bartus] said to him (Rabbi Krustovsky): “Hasn’t it been taught, ‘with regards to a child’s inclinations the left hand should push away and the right hand should bring close?’“1 He responded: “Yes.” He said to him: “Should we not learn from this that a person is obligated to forgive his son?” He responded: “The verse states however, ‘honor your father and mother.’"2 1 Sotah 47a, Sanhedrin 107b. However, note that the text isn’t exactly as it appears here. See the commentary of Tosafot. In reality, the statement appears twice in both Sotah and Sanhedrin. First there is a statement, “Always have the left hand push away and the right hand draw near.” Then, a little while down we have, “Rabbi Shimon ben Elazar taught: ‘with regards to the inclination of a child or a woman, always have the left hand push away and the right hand draw near.’” I decided that Bart (who says in the episode “A Child should pushed aside with the left hand and drawn closer with the right.”) must have been quoting (however imperfectly), the second of these texts. The reasons I did so are (a) it directly talks about children, as does Bart’s quote, and (b)Lisa makes a direct reference to Rabbi Shimon ben Elazar. Unfortunately, Bart’s quote doesn’t include “women,” and Lisa’s reference to Rabbi Shimon ben Elazar comes after the quote is used. But these difficulties just gave me a reason to write commentaries for Tosafot. 2 Exodus 20:11

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Der Simpsons-Talmud

Die Seiten kann man sich als pdf herunterladen: The Simpsons Talmud - By Noah Gradofsky