„Hoder” Herausgeber eines englischsprachigen Blogs aus dem Iran ist heute von Berlin aus nach Israel gereist um sich vor Ort zu informieren. Vorbildlich was? Der Blogger selber weiß jedoch, dass der Iran wohl Probleme bei der Wiedereinreise machen wird:

This might mean that I won’t be able to go back to Iran for a long time, since Iran doesn’t recognize Israel, has no diplomatic relations with it, and apparently considers traveling there illegal. Too bad, but I don’t care. Fortunately, I’m a citizen of Canada and I have the right to visit any country I want…. As a citizen journalist, I’m going to show my 20,000 daily Iranian readers what Israel really looks like and how people live there. The Islamic Republic has long portrayed Israel as an evil state, with a consensual political agenda of killing every single man and woman who prays to Allah, including Iranians… There are many Iranian Jews residing in Israel now –including the president and the minister of defense. Many still speak Persian and love where they were born and raised. I’m going to talk to them and show Israel and Iran from their point of view.

Hossein Derakhshan’s weblog (English) Wir dürfen gespannt sein, wie sich die Geschichte weiter entwickeln wird…