In seinem Artikel fasst Rabbi Spinner kurz einige seiner Gedanken zu der neuen Berliner Touristenattraktion zusammen. Durch einen Zufall sind es 2711 Stelen geworden und Rabbi Spinner ist aufgefallen, dass der Talmud 2711 Seiten hat.

Die Konklusion seiner Gedanken ist jedoch wegweisend für das jüdische Leben:

Can any such memorial generate the kind of living memory that can move people to think, to relate, to feel? It occurred to me that God does not tell the Jewish people to build memorials and monuments to preserve memory. We seem to preserve memory in a dramatically different way – by eating matzah,reciting Kiddush, sitting in Sukkot. I returned to Paul Spiegel’s words, about this memorial not being for us. He is right, I concluded. This memorial is not ours. Even Yad Vashem and other sites such as the preserved concentration camps, though they are important – even very important – they are not enough. Rather, to create living memory, says the Torah, take the memory and make it part of your life. Give it a taste, a place, a time. Make it something you do, or something you can take with you wherever you go. Rather than a field of columns somewhere meant to stand for something, choose a field of behavior and experience that is meaningful in itself.

Das Judentum in Deutschland ist nur Nachlassverwaltung, es hat auch die Aufgabe, die Rabbi Spinner beschreibt. The Berlin Memorial