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Heeb Magazine: Issue #7

Aus dem Inhalt (keine Werbung; nur ein Hinweis)

It’s because of the Jewish signposts sprinkled throughout their work that their latest album feels like a Rosetta Stone. Whether in call–outs to “hide the matzoh” or “holler back challah bread” or the couplet “the truth is brutal/your grandma’s kugel,” the Beastie Boys are entering a new artistic stage, and pleasantly, it’s not one they’re shy discussing. I spoke with Adam Yauch and Adam Horowitz in the dining room outside their recording studio in New York, and Mike D by phone from Los Angeles, where he and his wife reside with their newborn baby. Over the course of our conversations, MCA showed me how to best simulate Borat’s Jew–claw; Ad–Rock nominated Mix Master Mike as the Schwartz of the Month; and Mike D asked me how to say pimp in Hebrew.

Ausserdem ein längst überfälliger Artikel über die “Kabbalah”-Bewegung: Inside the Kabbalah Centre: The Most Star-Studded Scene Since Studio 54